Friday, January 23, 2009

How do they do it?

I've been thinking on some things in between extra loads of laundry from Little Man. How do moms really find time to be with God on a continual basis? I'm not saying that I'm not having time with God, but it's sometimes so broken up with the demands of the day that I wonder if anything is really sticking or getting through. I suspected that life could be like this as a mom, but now I'm thinking about it more, and wondering what the affects of more than one child is. To those of you who are mom's and you are maintaining a daily, vibrant time with our Father....YEAH! I'm cheering you on and I want to know your secret!

Prior to this week of mild "sickness" in the house, I was pretty good at being the first one up and enjoying some quiet time with my Lord then. Nothing like the Bible, a cup of coffee, and some "set things straight" prayer time to get the day going. Of course, that didn't mean I wasn't chatting with God throughout the day, but that morning time just seemed SO good. THIS week, I've been up with Little Man around 4AM changing sheets, letting him sleep on top of me in our bed, (since that's the only place he seems happy afterwards), and sadly missing my quiet morning time. He wakes me up and the day begins with a quick check in prayer and hopes to read something over breakfast.

I remember consoling my sister-in-law, who adventured into motherhood before me, that surely this was a season and that God would be faithful to feed her on the time she was able to make happen. I think that's still true, but sometimes you just get a little tired of quick prayers, hurried readings, and a "quiet" time punctuated with a baby's cry. Sometimes it feels like you're bailing out a boat that's taking on water too quickly.

So, if you're able to enjoy the luxury of having your time all your own, ENJOY your time with our Father. AND if you're in the motherhood boat, know that a fellow mom's encouraging you to keep bailing out your boat and that she's fixing her eyes on the One that was able to do all kinds of things from a boat!

AND seriously, if you have something that works for you to help build your relationship with God while doing the Mom thing, by all means, SHARE!

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