Monday, January 26, 2009

God Speaks

It totally amazes me that God should choose to be in relationship with me. Who am I to Him? He doesn't need my efforts, but He wants me. I'm greatly humbled...and amazed.

Today God has been just so wonderful. After finding it difficult to have time with Him, He's been so faithful. I fully anticipated that today would begin with Little Man sleeping in until 7 or so, which would give me some wonderful alone time in the morning. AHH. Twas not to be though. Instead he was up around 6 and required me to complete a "nuclear waste removal" process. I've never seen so much poop in a set of pajamas!

Ah well. Later I did find time to meet with God and how sweet He was. For several months I'd been wrestling with how I hear from God and what He says to me. Prodded on by a Bible study that made me do a lot of soul searching I felt really dry and lost in the end. I knew God spoke to me and I know I had a relationship with Him, but there certainly seemed to be a lot of silence. It's been so encouraging to continue studying God speaking to us and be reminded that although God does speak to us, we can't MAKE Him speak to us. Yes, we can prepare our hearts and need to do so, but God speaks as He wills. Our job is to pursue Him and continue after Him while waiting to hear.

What joy is mine as He is speaking to me. I continue to be bombarded with messages about servanthood. What wonderful reminders and challenges. Reminders that serving my family is part of my ministry and divine calling. Reminders that feelings are not a measure of servanthood, in fact, they often must be sacrificed. Challenges to follow in obedience as a servant even when we don't really want to go where we see the immediate steps taking us. Challenges to keep on when times are difficult. (A part of me is wondering what all this is preparing me for. What is the challenge that is ahead?)

Dear one, may you continue to seek Him at all times. I pray that you are encouraged today by the fact that He is speaking and choosing to talk with you. May we both have open ears and hearts set to obey!

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