Monday, February 2, 2009

Duh, we're on the same team!

Have you ever had one of those moments where you just want to shake your head and go, duh? God certainly must look at my life sometimes and think..."That girl! She just doesn't see it does she? I better give her a clue!"

I'm thinking He's saying that recently. See, while I've been learning about servanthood, I've also been thinking about my role as a wife. Sometimes, I don't have the respect I should have for the great man God has given me as a husband. Oh, he's human,....but then again so am I! I'm called to be his helper. I have a God-given ministry to my husband -to serve him and help him. That's pretty special.

AND yet, sometimes...I can be so critical, sharp, and unwilling to serve. A recent example: My dear husband came home from work after completing about a 14-15 hour shift. He was hungry. I thought maybe he'd have grabbed a bite, so when he says he's hungry, I give him two choices snd grudgingly warm up some leftovers. Of course, I need to make the comment that this means he won't be ready for supper when the rest of the family is and that the kitchen must always be open.

A little while later it hits me....Um...Hey, he and I are on the same team? Why am I getting short with him? What am I doing?

This thought has been tossing and turning in my brain since that happened. I want to be a teammate...a helper that puts our team forward. I want to encourage him, not discourage him. I want to lighten his load, not add to it. I want to honor him, not dishonor him. I remember how it was when we were first dating and falling in love. I so easily overlooked things and saw the good. I was eager to accomodate and willing to help in anyway. I couldn't wait to spend time with him, and I'd certainly put aside anything for him. Why should that really change? I want to an attitude more like the one I had then, with all the strengths that come from walking with a person for years.

Who has God put you on the same team with? Are you treating them like a teammate? Where are you performing strong and where can you make improvements. Let us not give up doing good as long as it is called today!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Melissa, this hits home. Even now I feel fleshly worthy of some of my 'tude towards my husband, yet in the Spirit I know I must go humbly right now and say sorry to him for the way I said something not even an hour ago. Thank you for the good encouragement to be a more kind and helpful team player. xoxXo thankful for your musings.