Monday, February 7, 2011

By the Numbers

Sometimes counting blessings takes discipline. Sometimes it takes stopping to really look and take things in. Sometimes counting blessings is easy and the blessing come swooshing over you like a wave of love or a blizzard that blankets all in sight.

Whatever the situation, I'm going to count by the numbers and praise my God.

This week's numbers- #57-70

57. Spontaneous hugs and kisses from Little Man

58. Music and books making room time a fun time

59. Three year old ways- Little House on the Prairie being called Little House and the Fairy

60. Candles glowing on dark winter nights

61. Words that strike the heart and bring light like a match struck in the darkness

62. A steamy bowl of oatmeal on a snowy winter morn

63. Snow covering houses like icing and dusting trees like powdered sugar

64. Sun shining through skylights and brightening rooms after a storm

65. Searching God's Word for truth and finding precious pearls

66. The serenity of a boy taking an afternoon nap

67. A boy and a father taking an afternoon nap (on a different day from #66) and the hush of the house at this time

68. A family of "mice" under the blanket in the "mouse house"- and giggles of a three year old delighting in Mom and Dad playing along

69. Young women seeking to follow God in a world that threatens to trip them up, load them down, or hush the desire in their hearts

70. Simple joys in a church nursery as hands explore and play, hugs are given, and stories read

1 comment:

Kristin Bridgman said...

I hadn't been here in awhile. Read your bessing list and got tickled at #59:)
Little House on the Prarie was my favorite show growing up. Love your blog; your writings and thoughts!