Saturday, April 4, 2009

Don't forget Him...

As I was reading Deuteronomy chapter eight a while back I was struck by something in verse 11. To give you the context, Moses is preparing the people to enter the Promised Land. They've wandered and been disciplined, and now it's time to take what God has long promised. Moses reminds the people that this is a wonderful land; A land that overflows with abundance, and a place where they will be filled. In verse 11 he warns the people, "But that is the time to be careful! (Meaning when they've entered the land and been filled) Beware that in your plenty you do not forget the Lord your God and disobey his commands, regulations, and decrees that I am giving you today."

When we feel we've arrived, it's time to get on our knees and remember the One who's delivered us. It's then that we must humble ourselves and remember who we are and who He is. I found myself identifying with this. Life for me right now is in a good place. We're experiencing God's blessing in our life. He's providing in abundance for our physical needs. He's giving us good health in our immediate family and caring for those in the extended family. He's allowing us to enjoy a wonderful home and to fill it with happy memories of our Little Man. He's giving us times with good friends who bring great joy to life. Yes, we have much that could make us forget Him. So, I want to fight desperately to remember and keep things in perspective. Life isn't about me being comfortable or successful, it's about God receiving the glory that is due to His Name. I want to remember and obey.

Where are you in your journey?

Are you back in Egypt, under the control of one who does not own you? Do you need to turn to your Deliverer and follow Him?

Are you wandering in the wilderness? Is God supplying for your needs, building your character, and working to show Himself to you?

Or are you in the promised land? Is God giving you a time of peace and rest with abundance in your life? Do things seem easy and you find yourself assuming that this is the way life always was and always will be?

Regardless of where we are in life, the principle found in verse 11 is important. We must remember who God is and obey Him. We must pursue knowing him and follow him.

Don't forget Him...

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