Thursday, April 7, 2011

A choice- two ropes

In life we always have a choice, don't we? It's one of God's great gifts to us. This morning as I awoke and muttered my first prayers, I began to see the choices before me.

I've been in a place the past few days where I've again had to face that my plans and God's plans are not the same. Life's so much easier when those two align. But I also know that I can't force God to make His plans my plans. So I have a choice.

What will I choose? My plans? My plans are are like a rope I could choose to cling to. It's a rope that I've braided since a girl. I would be a wife. I would be a mother. I'd have at least two children. Life would be centered on caring for this family and raising the children up to follow God. I'd always thought my family would live near where I grew up. We'd have time with grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins. My mom and I would visit and I'd get advice from her over cups of coffee. Later I added details like the children would be a few years a part. Not so far apart that they didn't share things in common, but not one on top of the other either. 3-4 years would be great. I'd even adjusted that plan to 2-4 years most recently! Of coure this rope already had to be rebraided somewhat over the years, but still a large piece of it was intact. There's nothing really wrong with this rope. Except that it's pretty small isn't it?

The other choice I have is God's plan. Ahh... but that rope I can't quite understand. It's so big I can't see where it leads. I can only see the now- a husband and a son to honor, love, and care for. Other family to keep near despite the challenge of miles between us. A church family to serve. But I don't see much else. I don't know what a little further up the rope holds. I don't know what dreams are up there. I don't know what to set my expectations on.

Or do I know what to set my expectations on? God has said He has plans and they are good (Jer. 29:11). He says he wants me to live an abundant life (John 10:10). He says I am loved (Jer. 31:3). He says life is to bring Him glory and it's to share His love with others(John 15:8). He says this life is only a shadow of what's to come (John 14:3). He says to set my heart on Him and things above(Col. 3:1). He says I can trust Him, even when I can't see (Prov. 3:5-6). He says He's my rock, my foundation, my hope (Ps. 62).

So which rope should I choose to hold on to?

Yes, you got it. I'm going to choose to hold on to God's rope. I'm also aware that I need to cut down the other rope and not try to tie it up again. (The not tying it up again is probably the harder part!) You may want to ask me later which rope I'm holding on to.

What about you though? What are you holding on to? Good question isn't it? There's always a choice- two ropes!

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