Monday, January 29, 2018

Just another day

Another day on the calendar. One like so many. Push the sleep from my eyes and instead of rolling over, roll out of bed. Feed the cat. Pack the lunches. Pour the coffee. Spend some time with the Lord. Disturb lions- oh um, I mean, wake up sleeping kids. Make and eat breakfast. Get kids out the door and into the car. Drive to schools and drop kids off. All these simple little day in and day out things.  You have them too, don't you? 

 But today I relish them just a little more. Because a year ago God reminded me of the truth in this verse and hopefully I have grown some in wisdom. A year ago the phone rang and for the first time my name and cancer were linked together. I wasn't sure then of so many things. In fact, reading my words that I wrote in my journal that day, remind me of how much I questioned what the road ahead would be like. It ended up being far less dreadful than I thought. And I like to think that it held many blessings- among them the wisdom to be grateful for the quiet, the simple, the normal days. Because it is so easy on those days to not let God be God, but instead to think we've got it and can handle it. Instead the challenge is to thank God for these moments and lean in just for the sheer joy of being able to share the mundane with Him. So today, will you take a moment to recall the actions of your day. Will you thank God for the gift of those actions? Will you ask Him to teach you His wise ways?

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