It's still January, so can I have grace to post a New Year kind of post? Thank you all for graciousness in saying, "Sure, go ahead!"
SO many times I have wanted to sit down at the keyboard and pick out an entry for the blog. And so many times I have not done so. As you can see the previous post was back in JUNE of 2017! I am not sure why I didn't follow my heart to write- maybe the words are to be shared later? I am unsure. I'd like to say that it is because at times I chose living life over writing about life. That sounds noble. And at times that is what I did, but I have also done my fair share of nothing- of watching a show on Netflix or of something equal in meaningless value.
But I am here today at this moment in time, and so I will share some words in hopes that they, like all the words shared in this corner of the internet, can be used by the Word for His glory. Last January I shared that I had chosen a word to frame the year with. Little did I know how God would use that word. The year of HIS held so much. I was reminded day after day of HIS character, HIS plans, HIS kingdom, HIS love, HIS grace, HIS mercy, HIS abundance. It didn't matter if it was chemo, surgery, radiation, or a plain old day, I was held by HIS hand. So as 2017 drew to a close and all my treatment did as well, I began to wonder what do you do after a year of HIS?
2018 began with much pondering and praying, and I believe I have a word to frame this year. YOURS. In the center of my very being, I feel I must respond to HIS. And so I find myself responding with YOURS. Recognizing HIS brought me to the place of saying YOURS, and I suspect that I am not the first person to walk this path. I am eager to follow and understand more of what it means this year to live as YOURS. And I hope to frequent this corner more to share with you all a bit of what God is doing. I'd love to hear if you have a word that you are using to frame the year. Or if have you had a HIS/YOURS time in your life?
Before I sign off I would like to give a health update:
I had a PET Scan before starting radiation treatment which showed no cancer. Praises! Basically I will go for some check ups now and then to keep an eye on things, but we are looking forward to being clear for a long time!
I finished radiation on the 5th of December and was amazed at how quickly I healed.
I enrolled in a trial through Dana Farber and am taking a drug called Palbociclib for two years, in addition to the standard treatment of hormone therapy, Anastrozole, for 10 years. It is hoped that the combination of both drugs will decrease my risk for cancer returning. In day to day life it means I need to take some pills. As with most things there are some side affects, but nothing too serious. I need to see a doctor in Bangor periodically and have blood drawn occasionally. So far my biggest complaint is carpal tunnel symptoms, but it is all doable.
Thank you those who have prayed and helped us in so many ways in 2017. God has been so faithful. I will try to write more often, but I am also realistic. It took me this long to write a new year post, and the snow days, kids at home because someone is sick, taking a class to keep my teaching certificate, helping in the kids' classrooms, living life days are bound to interfere. Grace and peace my friends, until a hopefully sooner, and not later time!